Tuesday, January 04, 2011

One very long weekend later.....

New Years Eve! 2011! Why the Big Easy felt the need to specify that there was NO COVER after you're inside, I do not know. There were several signs of this nature.

There's something about a MOOG that I love to photograph.
All the members of Dreamosaic & Cyborg Trio & White Jacket Collaborative jammed together onstage for the midnight counting down ritual. There were balloons, there was confetti, there was stuff that glowed in the dark. Good times were had. I also joined the rest of the Foo Crew who had been added on to the ticket at the Asylum, and I'll be posting some of those shots as well - I got to check out Educated Advocates, very good stuff. This year saw a lot of great music all over town, and i was lucky to have a small part in it.

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