Monday, August 10, 2009

New Prints Available & An Update

Just picked up a new batch of prints from the good folks at Bayside Printing; 8 x 10's currently available for a bunch of different pieces from both the Wizard of Oz collection and my music themed pieces from awhile back. Email me if you have any interest.

Still plugging away at the Four Horsemen series, and I'm starting to be happy with the outcome. I've re-done most of them a couple times now, and with the third version of Famine I've finally hit it. I wish I could verbalize the "ooo" factor; that point where you cross from being a nice picture to look at to something more ....interesting, and I don't know how else to say that but I'm in interesting territory, here. Can't wait to share it!

If you're interested in prints, you can check out my flickr site - there's a set specifically for pieces currently available -

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