Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Finding Horror themes in the Bible

The problem with drawing from the Bible for inspiration (well, one problem) is that it's all been done before, over and over again, by artists much greater than myself or anyone else alive today, centuries ago. So the issue is to find a way to keep it interesting. I was tasked with coming up with a few pieces for an October show, so something scary/spooky/Halloween-ish was an order. I'm tackling a four horsemen of the Apocalypse theme, a subject much covered before but still titillating enough to draw interest, I hope. First up is War, and it's been fun so far; certainly a theme still relevant today, and a theme that can be played around with a bit. I'm not going to post any images of the pieces until after the show, of course; I don't want to spoil it for those who decide to come out and see the work in person.

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