Thursday, December 01, 2011

Frog Song Debut

The Frog Song will be making its debut this weekend at The Big Easy in Portland, Maine. Both Friday and Saturday night's shows will benefit the Open Sky Fund. Come on down and support this awesome group of folks, I will be hanging out both nights with the first copies of my book, and if you buy one I might even draw a little doodle in it for you. You can find more details & even purchase tickets here and here. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Last night we set stuff on fire. This kind of light capture requires really long exposure times; tricky to find just the right focal lengths, a first attempt to get this kind of shot. Thanks as always to my lovely assistant Herb,  there, who decided he found a new calling in life.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Take Two

Congrats to my big brother & his new bride.

The wedding was originally scheduled for August, but Hurricane Irene forced a re-schedule. Take Two was fortunately lacking natural disasters of any kind.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cyborg Trio at the State

         A couple shots from this past Friday, I joined the Cyborg Trio at the State Theater here in Portland; it's a beautiful old place, and of course these guys are always fun to work with.

     The State is a beautiful old art-deco theatre (theatre, not theater) recently re-opened after being shuttered for several years. It's good to see the place up & running again.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sneak Peak

A little preview from the book, which, with a little bit of luck, should be out by early December, and will make a great gift for the kid(s) in your life. And proceeds go to the open Sky Fund, which gets musical intruments to underprivileged kids in Maine, so it's like how can you say no?

Thursday, September 08, 2011


    This may be shocking, but when in a state of high anxiety, I tend to grab my doodle pad and go nuts with the pen. This particular doodle, as you can see, suffered through some paper-strangling and Winston-nibbling (from leaving my pad on the floor, it's what I get). Why the high anxiety? Well, the GOP debates were last night....and we'll just leave it at that.

And as an aside, just to put it out there, I have a stack of Alice prints still for sale, as well as some originals kicking around, which are for sale, and if you're interested shoot me an email.

Cheers ~ Liz

Monday, September 05, 2011

Stage Craft

A look at the set I put up this weekend at Geno's here in Portland. I didn't manage to get a photo of the actual setting up, which I should have, because we had to actually put up staging on order to reach the ceiling. You should have seen the look on the owners face when he walked in to that; fortunately he was very gracious & seemed to like the end results as well.

Monday, August 29, 2011


So I do, on occaision, venture into wedding photographer territory - a couple of weeks ago I shot good friends Jeff & Kathy doing the deed in Wells, Maine. Above is one of my favorite shots of the night.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

well hello

I took a break this weekend from working on the Frog song and did this - it felt good to work in ink again. It took me about five hours in total - when I'm done with the book I'm definitely going to spend some serious time with my pens.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Soon! i swrz!

I will be posting new stuff soon; it's been a very busy few months with no end in sight, but I swore a blood oath I will soon update the blog, the site, and all of it very soon - there was chanting involved. Perhaps the pentagram carved into the wall was too much, but one can never be too sure, right?

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Psylab cd release


I tagged along last weekend with the rest of the Foo Crew for Psylab's cd release at the Asylum - these cats recorded an album last year at Alex Gray's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, they put out some very cool EDM. You can check them out at

My friend DJ Lex Lucid was there to start things with some downtempo ambient and trip hop.

Blue Boy Productions was also there as well as friends of Foo Crew Dreamosaic providing the tunes for the crowd - look to my Flickr and facebooks sites as well for more photos, as usual.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I've recently completed 2 major stage design projects - last weekend was OUTBREAK at the Asylum here in Portland, a Foo Crew event, also held in conjunction with several other promoters here in town. It was a large undertaking - two floors, with the basement area being the blacklight room and deco with 3 screens on the main stage. We had a great turnout - it's a pleasure to be able to work with this crowd, and the work is a great challenge.

One view of the main stage - the Asylum has a really large, deep main stage, there's a lot that can be done. Our next event is the 14th of May and I'm hoping to do more.

Vitamin J on the main stage.

View of the basement.

This shot is from The Lucid's cd release party on the 4th of February, I assisted Heidi Green in designing a blacklight sensitive set. Basically I was in charge of the amp/piano covers, the "bubbles" you see in the shot. These guys are an awesomely talented group of guys, the show was a blast, and I hope to do more of this type of work - I love the electronica, but working with a rock band is also a special kind of challenge, from the artistic perspective. Designing deco for a techno stage is I think something more akin to a cubist painting, while this show was more like an impressionist piece - with a clear intention, but softer around the edges. I'd love to do a metal show sometime, see what that might be like.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

March, at the Gorham Grind

There will be an opening reception, March the 19th, from 11:00 - 1:00 p.m, with a very talented musician providing some tunes for your enjoyments. PLUS: Crudite!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

February Events , Mark yer Calanders, Etc. Etc.

We're gonna get through this together, guys......

First Friday is this friday, the fourth, and will be chock-full of awesome events for your entertainments. If you're the kind of person who, like myself, kinda dreads February and all its middle-of-winter blah-ness, then you'll appreciate the distractions.......

First off, I'll be showing some illustration work at the State Theatre building, suite 223, for the very fine folks over at Open Sky. Enter through the High Street entrance & listen for the music.....

After which you'll want to head over to the Port City Music Hall for The Lucid's CD release show "Kidnapped by Europeans" (also playing: Space versus Speed) where I've been assisting the lovely Heidi Green with the set design - it's gonna be a psychadelic, atmospheric experience there, we're very pleased with ourselves and all the interest in the medium lately. Certainly the idea of a set for a rock show is nothing new, but it's awesome to introduce the concept to such a crazy local music scene like Portland has. Not to mention The Lucid is just a great band & such a fixture here, it's a pleasure to be involved with any kind of project with those guys. Check them out:

Also, very exciting for me, my first large-scale Deco project since ALIEN at the Space last summer - it's OUTBREAK , at the Asylum, and we're tricking out two floors for the party. The basement will be all done up in black lights & black light deco, and the main stage upstairs is going to be an amazing show, the Foo Crew is very excited to bring you this kind experience, so come on out for the show, I guarantee it'll be like nothing you've ever seen before. Saturday, February 12th - $3.00 cover at the door.

Also, the 25th of the month I'll be hanging an illustration show at the Gorham Grind, which is also a funky little place worth checking out, right by the art college at USM.

And last but not least, you should check out my Flickr page, where I've posted a bunch of photos from my recent excursions; photos have been posted from a great little acoustic performance from a few weekends ago, the Reggae Revival at Port City Music Hall featuring Mighty Mystic, and the after party for said show at the Arm Factory featuring a few djs and some drunk kids.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Illustration Show

Starting February 25th I'll be showing some work up at the Gorham Grind, a funky little shop near the USM art college. They have a specialty drink referred to as "Rocket Fuel." Which has nothing to do with the work I'll be showing, but just as good a reason to come on by.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

One very long weekend later.....

New Years Eve! 2011! Why the Big Easy felt the need to specify that there was NO COVER after you're inside, I do not know. There were several signs of this nature.

There's something about a MOOG that I love to photograph.
All the members of Dreamosaic & Cyborg Trio & White Jacket Collaborative jammed together onstage for the midnight counting down ritual. There were balloons, there was confetti, there was stuff that glowed in the dark. Good times were had. I also joined the rest of the Foo Crew who had been added on to the ticket at the Asylum, and I'll be posting some of those shots as well - I got to check out Educated Advocates, very good stuff. This year saw a lot of great music all over town, and i was lucky to have a small part in it.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

It was a very busy New Years weekend for myself & fellow Foos - thursday night was Sync, a 7:70 reunion show at Slainte here in portland - djs Marshall Law, Psydways and others busted out some crazy beats.......this guy was definitely having a lot of fun;

I brought in some deco for the show to up the visual ante for a bit, and thanks to trusty assistant Sam it went up easily, although getting back there to get it down has proved....logistically difficult.

Friday night I pulled double duty photographing at the Big Easy with Cyborg Trio & Dreamosaic, while VJ Foo was added to the show at the Asylum headlined by Spose, so I dashed down there for a bit as well. I'll post a few shots from Friday here soon, in the meantime you can some of the action out at both my flickr and facebook accounts. Two nights of dashing around until early a.m. hours have left me a bit on the...unmotivated side. Soon I'll also be posting about our upcoming asylum show, Outbreak, happening 2/12/11....3 different promoters are joining forces for this night of debauchery, and i can't tell you how amazing and exciting it is to belong to this community of such talented folks here in Portland.